Bauer Separator


The Bauer Separator is the market leader for slurry separation offering the best output and lowest running costs compared to any other model on the market. Due to the floating screen design a Bauer separator will maintain its output at an almost constant rate for the lifecycle of the filter screen. Bauer separators are capable of achieving high dry matter in the solids.

The range of Bauer separators include the COMPACT, S655, S855 and S855GB

The advantages to separation include:

  • Slurry volume reduced by 15 up to 30%.
  • This means less storage space and fewer transports
  • Separated slurry does not form floating crusts – therefore it is not necessary to stir the slurry before spreading
  • Due to the extraction of solids and carbon there is less loss of nitrogen (NH3, CH4, N2O) during storage and application
  • Distinctly reduced smell
  • Accurate nutrient analysis possible, therefore, more efficient determination of the time of distribution
  • Low concentration of nutrients, therefore higher rate for application per hectare than with raw slurry
  • Much better infiltration to the soil and less tainting of plants ensure that nutrients are more quickly absorbed and crop damage by burning is minimized.
  • Liquid fraction can be pumped through irrigation pipes
  • Low energy consumption when pumping and conveying
  • Distinctly reduced weed seed content (especially dock) in the liquid fraction.
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